Sunday, June 26, 2016

Liposuction Overseas

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction, commonly known as Lipo, is a type of surgery that improves body shape by removing the extra fat present between skin and muscles.

Healthy individuals with no life threatening illness can use this technique to remove the deposits of fat from a number of body parts, including thighs, abdomen, chin, neck, hips, and ankles. Liposuction is not a cure for obesity, cellulite or sagging skin. Only a limited amount of fat can be removed from the body, through this surgery. This treatment is used to remove that extra fat deposit which cannot be reduced by exercise or alteration of diet.

It usually takes 1-4 hours to perform Liposuction, but the patient may be required to stay in the hospital for a few days, depending upon the type of liposuction surgery performed and other factors.

Number of days in hospital
1-3 days
Average length of stay abroad
7-10 days
Number of trips needed abroad
1 trip normally

How Inexpensive Is Liposuction Overseas?

A number of factors determine the cost of Liposuction. Large areas like buttock will cost more than smaller areas like neck. Also, the areas like chin or cheek, which are difficult to operate upon, cost more. If a patient wants multiple areas treated, the cost increases accordingly. The use of advanced methods in treatment, such as Ultrasound or Laser Liposuction is another factor influencing the cost of Liposuction. There are other costs apart from the immediate cost of a Liposuction surgery. These include operation room charges, cost of post-operative supplies, nursing fee, laboratory test charges etc.

It is advisable not to choose cheap treatment over the surgeon’s experience and the patient’s comfort level with the surgeon.

How is Liposuction performed?

The doctor prescribes an anesthesia best suited to the patient, out of a choice of local anesthesia, intravenous sedation, and general anesthesia to reduce the pain and bleeding.  After the anesthesia is given, very small incisions are made at the place from where the fat is to be removed. Then a thin hollow tube called cannula is inserted through incisions and the extra fat is sucked out by the syringe attached to the end of cannula or through a surgical suction pump.

Important Things To Know About Liposuction
  • Patients are advised to make a few changes in their lifestyle, 3-4 weeks before Liposuction so as to prevent the thinning of blood, which leads to bleeding during and after the surgery. This includes quitting smoking, minimizing alcohol consumption and avoiding medicines that cause blood to thin.
  • Adults with elastic skin and good muscle tone, who are within the range of their idyllic weight are ideal for this surgery.
  • There are certain risks associated with Liposuction, like swelling, thermal burns, scarring, infection, need for revision surgery, among others. Patients are made to sign a form prior to the surgery, to ensure that all the potential risks are well understood by them.
  • Patients should take proper advice from their doctor about the right time to travel back after Liposuction. Usually, it is advised, to not to fly back for at least one week.
  • The final result of Liposuction, that is, the change in body shape is seen after swelling and fluid retention disappears, usually after 1 month.


When can I get back to work after Liposuction?
It depends upon the area of liposuction and how much of fat is reduced. Usually people are able to return to their work after 3 days, but to be on a safer side, one should take rest for at least 10 days. It might take about a month to get back to normal routine, even though swelling may persist.

Does fat come back to the treated areas, if i gain weight?
No, this does not happen. If a person gains significant amount of weight, then the weight is mostly accumulated in the non-treated areas. The amount of fat accumulated in the treated areas will be very less because Liposuction already removed the fat cells from that area.

Does Liposuction leave scars?
Usually, the scars are very minimal, as the incision is very small in Liposuction. It further depends upon the type of Liposuction and the techniques used by the doctor for the surgery.

When can I fly after Liposuction?
Patients can usually travel after 7-10 days. It depends upon the areas treated and the amount of fat removed, so the patients must consult their doctors about when they should travel.

How much fat can I lose?
The doctors cannot remove more than 10 pounds of fat. Fat, if removed in excess, can lead to serious complications. Liposuction should not be seen as a way of losing weight, but as a way of improving body contour.

Source: medhalt

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