Saturday, August 5, 2017

Are sports and joint discomfort incompatible?

Joint discomfort is sometimes a barrier to physical activity. It is essential to preserve its joints without changing the physical inactivity. Discover our tips to maintain joint mobility and choose the right sports.


The joints work thanks to complex and fragile mechanisms. The shoulder, for example, allows large-scale multidirectional movements but can be dislocated more easily than any other joint. Conversely, the knee allows movements on a single plane: flexing or tending, and does not support lateral twists.

Poor posture, some repetitive gestures or with too much force, can have adverse effects on the joints. However, it is essential to solicit them to maintain their mobility. The regular practice of physical activity helps in their proper functioning and also contributes to the management of the weight that will relieve the joints.

It is therefore advisable to move, certainly, but privileging some sports gentle for the joints! Finally, to preserve your bony capital and your joints, opt for a micronutritional accompaniment!


Some dietary supplements or massage gels are formulated specifically to maintain joint comfort. Natural solutions that rely on:

  • The benefits of plants:  harpagophytum, also called "devil's claws" and horsetail are particularly recognized to help maintain joint flexibility and mobility.
  • Micronutrients: Silanetriol (organic silicon) is known for its soothing effects on joint discomfort. The manganese contributes to the normal formation of connective tissues and the maintenance of normal bones.
  • Assets, major constituents of cartilaginous tissue, glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate.
  • Active ingredients, major constituents of bone, such as hydroxyapatite, a true source of calcium, a mineral essential for maintaining a good bone structure.
  • Essential oils such as wintergreen, katafray or black pepper.


The swimming or water aerobics are working every muscle in the body. Moreover, these are so-called sports (water relieving the body of its weight). They are interesting for joints.

The practice of cycling is also recommended, making sure to stay on stable ground to avoid impacts too violent (the VTT is therefore excluded).

Finally, activities such as weight training, yoga or soft gym allow you to maintain your muscles without putting your joints to the test.

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