Friday, August 4, 2017

How to relieve heavy legs?

Some simple everyday gestures can limit the inconvenience associated with heavy legs:

  • Spend your legs under cold water and avoid hot baths. Indeed, at high heat, the veins of the legs tend to dilate. Conversely, cold activates the circulation by tightening the vessels and decreases the discomfort and sensation of heavy legs.
  • In case of high heat, you can also wrap your legs in towels soaked in cold water.
  • Avoid crossing the legs as this position does not promote blood circulation.
  • Feel free to raise your legs as soon as you can, especially to sleep.
  • Wear socks or stockings.
  • Avoid tight clothing (tight pants,) or unsuitable shoes (high heels). 
  • Practice regular physical activity (walking, cycling, and swimming).
  • Massage your legs from bottom to top. This will restart your circulation. The application of a gel adapted to the blood circulation allows to relax the heavy and tired legs and provides a fresh effect.

Nature, an exceptional source of health solutions

In addition to these few reflexes, some plants have real benefits on venous circulation.

Among them, gotu kola and red vines help to maintain venous circulation. Gotu kola also promotes the sensation of light legs supporting peripheral blood circulation. The horse chestnut and butcher’s broom help reduce the feeling of heavy legs and are also used to promote good blood circulation in the capillaries and microvessels. Finally, grape seed OPCs have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system.

Finally, do not hesitate to consult your doctor even if your inconvenience seems light. He will be in the best position to take care of your problem.

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