Saturday, August 5, 2017

Natural solutions exist to regain well-being and balance


The yam helps reduce hot flashes and other well-known signs associated with menopause. This plant originating in Central America is naturally rich in diosgenin, a precursor compound of progesterone.

The Cimicifuga is a complementary plant yam. Originally from southeastern Canada and the northeastern United States, cimicifuga is recognized by the WHO (World Health Organization) for its beneficial action on hot flushes.

To stimulate his libido, the intake of maca can prove interesting. This plant in the highlands of the Andes contains polyphenols (macaenes and macamides), substances that stimulate sexual desire. The red ginseng also has benefits on sexual desire, it helps maintain strength, energy and contributes to the physical and mental well-being.

Finally, we can mention evening primrose oil for its virtues on the skin. Originating in North America, Evening primrose is now very present in Europe and Australia. Its oil is rich in omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic acid and gamma-linolenic acid. These fatty acids play a fundamental role in the cellular membranes and thus maintain a beautiful skin (elasticity and flexibility) and contribute to the smooth running of the menstrual cycle.


Vitamins and minerals can be particularly useful to help alleviate the discomforts that can occur at the time of menopause:

  • Vitamin B6 helps regulate hormonal activity and reduce fatigue.
  • Vitamins B3 and B6 contribute to the maintenance of normal psychological functions.
  • Vitamins B2, B3 and zinc contribute to the maintenance of beautiful skin.

During menopause, it is also advisable to strengthen her bones. To help maintain a solid skeleton, one must consume calcium as well as vitamin D, K and B12 which help to fix calcium.

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