Saturday, August 5, 2017

What physical activity for seniors?

INSERM recommends to seniors a minimum of 30 minutes of sustained exercise per day, and this, five times a week. Starting a sport does not take place in the same way at the age of 60 as at age 30, but starting or resuming physical activity has definite benefits, both physically and psychologically. However, it is necessary to be vigilant and conscious of his physical condition and to choose a sport adapted to his possibilities.


There is no age to start physical activity. At any age, sport can have many beneficial effects on well-being and health. For seniors in particular, regular physical activity can have several advantages:

  • Maintaining mobility and flexibility in the joints: stressing joints regularly helps to maintain flexibility and joint comfort.
  • Improve cardiac performance: physical exertion stimulates the heart and also contributes to better oxygenation of the muscles.
  • Maintain muscle strength: with age and physical inactivity, muscle strength decreases.
  • Preserving breathing capacity: Endurance sports, in particular, can have a positive influence on lung capacity, and breathing.
  • To maintain a social bond: the sport, practiced in group or in club, allows to cultivate a social life. For people who are prone to stress or depression, sport can also be associated with relaxation, such as sophrology, meditation...


Beyond 50 years, it is necessary to take some precautions if you want to start or resume physical activity:

Recovery capacity corresponds to the pulse-per-minute limit that should not be exceeded when practicing physical activity. Beyond, the heart rages. It is calculated as follows:

220 heart beats per minute - the age of the patient. For example, if the patient is 57 years old: 220 - 57 = 163 pulses per minute, not to be exceeded.

  • Carry out a medical check-up with a health professional to determine the sports adapted to your physical condition. He will evaluate your cardiovascular condition and will calculate with you your ability to recover.
  • Start gradually, one or two sessions a week at a moderate pace to start, then increase the frequency and intensity according to your possibilities.
  • Be regular in order to get results and avoid injury.
  • While thinking about hydration before, during and after each session: 1 liter of water per hour of sport.


If there is no medical contraindication to the practice of certain sports in particular, it is nevertheless recommended to seniors to favor soft physical activities and endurance, such as:

  • Walking: 30 minutes of brisk walking a day helps keep you healthy.
  • Swimming: known to be a very complete sport, it uses muscular strength, coordination and endurance. Aqua-gym, a physical activity also practiced in the water, can be advised to seniors.
  • Cycling: Regular cycling can have many benefits, including cardiac and respiratory benefits. It also allows you to work your balance and coordination.
  • Tai Chi or yoga: these gentle practices make your balance and flexibility work and can be complementary to endurance practices. They also help to release the mind and work the breath.

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