Sunday, June 26, 2016

Face Lift Overseas

What is Face Lift?

A facelift, also known as Rhytidectomy is a surgical treatment that reduces signs of ageing, such as:
  • Sagging skin of the face
  • Jowls, which are fabricated by the drop of skin tone at the bottom of the face
  • Vanished or fallen fat
  • Deep crinkles from the nose to the corner of the mouth
  • Deep creases below the lower eyelids
  • Wrinkles on the face
Typically, a person aged between 40 and 70 tends to reveal signs of aging and undergoes this surgery to rejuvenate the youth contours. The surgery can be of different kinds, ranging from minimally invasive to more extensive surgery.

A facelift not only takes out surplus skin from the face, but also narrows underlying muscles and tissues, giving the face a less-weary and revitalized look. The facelift treatment is normally combined with a brow lift, to treat sagging brows, or eyelid surgery to revive aging eyes.

A facelift effect lasts for 5 to 10 years, even when the patient continues to age.

Time Requirements

A facelift surgery does not demand more than 1-2 days in hospital. However, to get a facelift abroad, you might have to stay up to 3 weeks in the country. 

As far as the recovery time of a facelift surgery is concerned, it depends on the type of surgery the patient has undergone and also varies from person to person. 1-3 weeks of post-operative care is advised till you can get back to your normal routine. There may be a need of a follow-up appointment to examine the improvement and for getting the stitches removed.

How Inexpensive Is Facelift Overseas?

The factors which determine the cost of a facelift vary between different geographic areas and physicians. It is also dependent on the extent of the facelift surgery and the technique which is implemented. Insurance does not cover the costs of a facelift since it is an elective, cosmetic surgery. 

Nonetheless, many financing plans are offered by the surgeons to make the treatment reasonably priced for the patients. A facelift, not including preparatory tests, prescriptions or anesthesia, normally costs around $5,000.

Following is the cost comparison of some of the popular destinations for a facelift:

Asia and Europe are comparatively cheaper than other regions for a facelift.

Before Facelift

Preparing adequately for the facelift can be of great help before, during and after the surgery, to keep the patient calm and healthy. Since facelift is of various kinds, the patient needs to communicate clearly about the desired after-effects with the surgeon, prior to the surgery.

It is advisable for a patient who smokes, to abstain from it, 2-4 weeks before the surgery. If the patient is taking any kind of blood thinning medication, it should be stopped, both pre-surgery and post-surgery. Irrespective of the type of surgery to be implemented, hydration plays a very significant role for a risk-free healing. Before the surgery, the patient’s health will be scrutinized in order to confirm that he is fit for the surgery.

Patients traveling abroad for such surgery, should always travel with a companion, who can help with the post-operative care, for at least the first 48 hours. Loose and comfortable clothes should be worn on the day of the surgery, which do not need to be pulled over the head.

How Is The Procedure Performed?

Firstly, a local or a general anesthesia will be given, depending on the type of the surgery. The length and extent of the surgery are two factors that decide on the type of anesthesia to be given. Local anesthesia with sedation or a general anesthesia is preferred during rigorous procedures. An incision is made in the area of temple hair, continuing around the front and back of the ear and the earlobe, and fusing in the lower scalp. This is the general procedure of a traditional incision; there are other kinds of incisions as well. The surgeon then repositions the face skin, stretches the muscle and the connective tissue and gets rid of the extra skin and fat from the face or neck. The incision lines are covered once they are cured. The entire procedure takes 2 to 5 hours, depending on the type of surgery.

Following steps are taken during and after the surgery to make sure the patient gets the best treatment:

  • Medications are provided to the patient during the surgery to keep him relaxed and comfortable.
  • To keep a constant check on the patient’s heart, pulse, blood pressure and the amount of oxygen flowing in his blood, he is kept under the vigilance of various monitors and plugs.
  • The procedure discussed with the surgeon is followed during the surgery. However, if needed, various other methods may be used to make sure the patient gets the best result. Having faith in the doctor is very important in this case.
  •  Post-surgery, the patient will be taken to the “recovery area” where he will be monitored round-the-clock.
Once the swelling and bruising decrease, the results can be seen! The patient should not expect to look extraordinarily young, but, he can expect to feel considerably younger and more confident about himself.

After Facelift

To lessen the effect of swelling and marks, the incisions will be covered with voluminous bandages, for some days. In order to clear out any surplus fluid or blood, a small tube can be kept behind one or both of the ears. It is recommended to refrain from any kind of sports for 10-14 days and take proper rest since it can damage the face. After 7 to 12 days, the stitches are generally taken out.

Some medicines will be advised to pacify the pain after the surgery. Keeping the head elevated and still is also recommended during this downtime. Normally, the recovery takes up to 3 weeks, but faint numbness and roughness of skin may be experienced by some patients.

Possible Threats

Though facelifts are normally successful, but, like any other treatment, there are some possible threats which should be discussed with the surgeon pre surgery.
  • Adverse reaction to anesthesia
  • Infection
  • Hematoma (clotted blood in tissues, or organs traveling up to the lungs and heart)
  • Bleeding under the skin
  • Nerve injury
  • Hair loss
  • Tissue Loss
  • Faint Scars
  • High Fever

Frequently Asked Questions

After how long do the final results of the surgery appear on the face?
To ensure excellent outcome, post-surgical care is very important. The recovery will be mostly complete after 3 months, but some changes can be noticed up to 6 months. If follow-up is taken care of properly, the result of the facelift can last up to one year post surgery. However, the changes due to age over time, will still be seen.

Will a facelift surgery cause pain or discomfort?
Since the surgery is performed under an anesthesia, it is highly unlikely for a patient to feel any pain during the surgery. However, patients do suffer mild to average pain post-surgery, because of which the surgeon usually prescribes pain relieving medication. The pain is experienced only for a few initial days.

Does a facelift surgery leave scars?
Most surgeons make the incision in the hairline or at the back of the ear, which will keep the scar out of sight. So, it depends where the incision is made.

Source: medhalt

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