Sunday, June 26, 2016

Thigh Lift/ Thighplasty Overseas

What is Thigh Lift?

Thigh Lift or Thighplasty, is a type of plastic surgery that reshapes the upper legs by the removal of extra fat and skin. Thigh lift is a solution for sagging thigh skin or that extra fat on thigh which cannot be removed by exercise or a shift to healthy diet. 

It is usually performed in combination with other surgeries like abdominoplasty, arm lift and butt lift. Thigh lift is mainly of two types, inner thigh lift and outer thigh lift. Both involves removal of extra fat through incisions. 

Usually performed in 1-2 hours, Thigh Lift may require the patient to stay in hospital for 1-2 days.

Number of Days in Hospital
1-2 days
Average Length Of Stay Abroad
1-2 weeks
Number Of Trips Needed Abroad

How Inexpensive Is Thigh Lift Overseas?

What is the procedure for Thigh Lift?

The type of procedure used depends upon the area of the thigh to be treated and the amount of fat to be removed. Usually the surgeon chooses from Inner thigh lift and Outer thigh lift. Firstly, either Intravenous Sedation or General Anaesthesia is given to the patient to relieve the pain and uneasiness caused during the surgery.

The inner thigh includes the removal of fat by making a cut on either side of the pubic region, extending it downwards. Whereas, the outer thigh lift includes removal of fat by making a cut on the outer side of the thigh. Then skin is tightened and given shape by sutures. Usually inner thigh lift is preferred over outer thigh lift as it leaves minimal visible scars.

Important Things To Know About The Treatment
  • This surgery is not recommended for heavy smokers, patients taking anticoagulants, people with cardiac problems and poor health.
  • There are certain risks associated with Thigh Lift like fluid accumulation, change in skin sensation, nerve damage, need for revision surgery etc. Patients are made to sign a form prior to the surgery, to ensure that all the potential risks related to the surgery are well understood by them.
  • After the procedure is performed, in order to prevent fluid formation, the patient is kept on surgical drains for a few days. The final result of the surgery may be seen after easing up of swelling and bruising.
  • No aerobic exercises, swimming, golf, heavy lifting or any other vigorous exercise should be performed for at least 3 weeks.
  • A patient needs to follow certain precautions and take certain steps before heading towards thigh lift. These include adjusting current medications, avoiding smoking and consumption of drugs like Aspirin that cause blood thinning. Also, a patient should get a medical evaluation done before the surgery.


What other surgical processes can I combine thigh lift with?
Usually Thigh Lift is performed after an extensive weight loss to bring the body in shape. This surgery is usually performed along with a number of surgical processes such as abdominoplasty, butt lift, arm lift etc.

How long does the surgery last?
The surgery usually lasts for around 20 years varying from person to person but the effects of aging, gravity and sun exposure are unavoidable. Usually, suggestions are given by the surgeon to maintain the surgery.

When can I get back to work?
Normally, a person can get back to work after 4-5 weeks.

Can I walk after the surgery?
A patient is made to walk very short distances from the next day of surgery to avoid the formation of blood clots.

Will there be scars after surgery?
Every surgery leaves a scar and so does thigh lift. But usually, the scars are placed in such a way so that they are not visible or are hidden by clothing. Further, the length and location of the scar depends upon the amount of fat removed and the type of surgery performed.

Source: medhalt

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