Sunday, June 26, 2016

Butt Lift Overseas

What Is Butt Lift?

Butt lift, or buttock augmentation, is a surgical procedure to remove loose, sagging skin from the buttock area and create firmer and more lifted buttocks. It includes procedures for correction of congenital, traumatic and acquired deformities of the buttocks and also aesthetic enhancement.

The primary procedures covered under butt lift surgery are surgical emplacement of gluteal implant (prosthesis), lipoinjection (fat transfer) and body contouring.

Use of gluteal implants is the most effective option for augmentation. In this procedure, the implants are inserted by making an incision over the tailbone. The patient is either sedated or anesthetized for the operation.

Lipoinjection involves injecting the buttocks with excess adipose, harvested from the patient’s abdomen, flanks or thighs. This method eliminates the chance of possible tissue rejection and is less invasive than the implant surgery. Even so, some of the injected adipose-fat tissue might get reabsorbed by the body and the augmentation can become diminished or even unpredictable. The most popularly availed option for butt lift surgery, the Brazilian butt lift, utilizes this technique.

Body contouring involves a combination of gluteoplasty procedure and fat injection. This option is primarily preferred for patients who have recently undergone massive weight loss. It provides for the most natural looking result.

How Inexpensive Is Butt Lift Overseas?

Butt lift surgeries are provided in most of the major hospitals around the world. Classified as a cosmetic surgery, it will not be covered under insurance in the USA. Popular destinations for butt lift surgery around the world include Poland (USD 2500), Turkey (USD 2870), Mexico (USD 2200), India (USD 2450) and Thailand (USD 2700).

How Much Time Will The Entire Procedure Take?

Typically, the surgery, in itself takes about 2 to 3 hours. The average length of stay abroad is usually 2-3 weeks, including at least three days in the hospital. The long stay is necessary as the patient is not allowed to sit post-surgery, making travelling difficult. The patient must get a clearance from the surgeon for travelling or else run a risk of getting deep vein thrombosis.

Important Facts And Risks Associated With The Treatment
  • Special care is required after the operation. It can take a few months to recover and for the effects of the surgery to be visible.
  • Swelling and soreness is common. Patients will have to restrict their sleeping postures and also avoid sitting down for long periods.
  • Potential risks include infection, temporary numbness, bleeding, swelling, bruising and scarring.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to avoid getting deep vein thrombosis (DVT)?
DVT poses a serious problem to patients who have just undergone butt lift surgery. To prevent this from setting in, patients must avoid sitting for long hours, must drink lots of fluids and most importantly, follow post-operative instructions from their surgeon. Compression socks have been known to help.

Does the patient’s medical history matter?
Absolutely, as for any other medical procedure.  If the patient has a prior history of smoking or suffers from a chronic condition like diabetes, it is best talk him or her out of the augmentation. Also, the surgery is inadvisable for patients who are planning to lose weight later.

Source: medhalt

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