Sunday, June 26, 2016

Neck Lift Overseas

What is neck lift?

Neck-lift, or platysmaplasty (sometimes also referred to as lower rhytidectomy), is a surgical procedure that improves visible signs of aging around the neck and jawline. 

It reduces wrinkles and sagging of the skin, caused by loss of elasticity in the skin. 

The surgery involves removal of excess fat from the patient’s neck, while the remaining skin and muscles are pulled together and tightened. 

This procedure is recommended for patients who have a double chin or loose neck skin, or in cases where the upper facial area does not match the neck area. Neck lift can be performed along with face-lift surgeries.

Before the surgery, the patient consults the surgeon, to explain his requirements and expectations and affirms whether s/he wants to undergo a facelift along with the neck-lift surgery. 

Typically, patients are advised to refrain from smoking, drinking and consuming certain blood thinning medicines, two weeks prior to the surgery. The patient is normally administered a local anesthetic during the procedure, with general anesthesia or sedation being a rare alternative.

Liposuction is the most common method for the removal of fatty tissues, along with skin repositioning and removal, to obtain the desired results. Incisions are made behind the ear and under the chin for the surgery, although this may depend on the desired result;

In a traditional neck lift, incisions are made behind the ear, which continue downwards and end in the posterior hair level. The tissue is then repositioned and tightened. Another incision below the chin is made to remove excess fat by liposuction.

The limited incision neck lift involves incisions made only behind the ear. While less invasive, this option provides limited scope for results.

Once the surgery is completed, the incisions are closed with sutures or skin glue. As the wound heals, the surgery lines are get concealed well in the hairline and the natural contours of the ear.

After the surgery, for up to 3 days, the patient may find it difficult to move and will need assistance in performing daily activities. Proper bed rest is advised during this period. The swelling from the wound is likely to recede in a week or two.

How Inexpensive Is Neck Lift Overseas?

How long will the surgery take?

Typically, the surgery is only about 1-4 hours long, depending on the area to be treated, while the patient needs to stay in the hospital for about 1-2 days. Overnight stay at the hospital is recommended. The entire trip abroad may take about 5-7 days. It is imperative to ensure that the doctor approves of the air travel. 

Important facts and risks associated with the treatment
  • Ageing is a natural phenomenon and thus results of this surgery are not permanent and neither reversible.
  • This surgery is not recommended for patients with underlying health conditions or for heavy smokers.
  • Potential risks include infection, scarring, nerve damage, bleeding, facial asymmetry, hematoma, risk of deep vein thrombosis and skin discoloration.


How can I expect my neck lift to look over time?
The results will not be permanent and wrinkles may begin to show after five years or so, depending on the individual.

Is there any age limit for this surgery?
Neck-lift surgery is not recommended for patients below 18 years of age.

Source: medhalt

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