Saturday, August 5, 2017

Physical activity: ideas to move more and better!

To be healthy, it is recommended to do 30 minutes of physical exercise per day. Between the often sustained rhythm imposed by work and family life, it is not always easy to reach this half-hour every day ... The Laboratory LESCUYER gives you his advice to succeed to move more!

First of all, it is important to note that doing physical exercise does not necessarily mean doing intense sports. Indeed, small efforts are also a form of exercise. In addition, it is quite possible to split your 30 minutes of physical exercise in 10-minute increments.

Do not hesitate to take all the opportunities of everyday life to move more. Here are some good reflexes to cultivate:

  • Move before starting the day: to get the day off to a good start, you can get up a little earlier and practice a steady walking activity, run or do some gym exercises.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Opting for walking or cycling: whether to go shopping, you go to work, pick up your children at school ... try to leave your car at home and opt for a means of transport less sedentary.
  • Walking: in addition to changing your ideas, walks have the merit of doing well to your body. On holiday by the sea, prefer the walk along the water to the tanning on the towel and in the mountains, go hiking or snowshoeing!
  • Practicing a sports activity: if you want to start a sporting activity, the easiest way is to block a time slot in the week; you will be sure to keep your resolutions. You can opt for a sport in a club or for a sport that you can practice individually (exercises of fitness, bike of apartment ...). Choose the activity most conducive to your development.

Did you know?

To move better, LESCUYER Laboratory offers a range of sports nutrition: NUTRATLETIC. Developed by doctors and scientists of high level specialized in nutrition and micronutrition, this range offers products of very high technicality to meet the specific needs of the most demanding sportsmen, whether amateur or professional.

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