Every day, and throughout our lives, we ask for our memory:
conversations, intellectual work, and preparation for exams ... Memory is the
key to learning since it allows the recording, storage and retrieval of
But with the aging of the population, more and more people
are prone to memory problems. This phenomenon affects more than 850 000 people
with 200 000 new cases per year *. The causes are multiple: age, heredity,
unbalanced diet, lack of cognitive stimulation...
The memory is a function to maintain daily to preserve and
optimize its performance. There are some tricks to increase memory capacities
(memorization capabilities):
- A good sleep: essential to the preservation of cognitive abilities, sleep is essential to strengthen and consolidate memory.
- Regular sport practice: good memorization is directly linked to good oxygenation of the brain. To optimize memory abilities, it is essential to practice a sport activity that stimulates the brain, attention and neuronal communication.
- A biological rhythm respected: certain moments of the day are more conducive to learning and concentration. The middle of the morning and the middle of the afternoon are periods of quality for the process of memorization.
- A healthy and diversified diet: the brain consumes about 20% of the energy provided by the diet. A major consumer of glucose, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, it needs a varied and balanced supply to support its cognitive functions. Consumption of fruits, vegetables, cereals and fish is preferred.
- Targeted supplementation: Any impairment can impair the functioning of the nervous system. Targeted supplementation is recommended to help maintain brain function, promote deep, restorative sleep, and cope with the stress experienced during exam periods.
* Helmer C et al.
MEDICINE / SCIENCES 2006; 22: 288-96.
Source: Lescuyer
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