Saturday, August 5, 2017

Pregnancy and sports are not incompatible

Pregnancy too often remains a period when the woman diminishes her sporting practice. Yet the sport is beneficial for the pregnant woman provided to respect some basic rules.


Physical exercise in pregnant women promotes good physical condition and limits excessive weight gain due to sedentary lifestyle. Less than 25% of pregnant women follow the recommendations of physical activity that are 30 minutes walking briskly, day 1.

Sport is also beneficial for maintaining a good psychological state and limiting potential stress associated with pregnancy, through the release of endorphins by the brain during and after physical activity.

Women who practiced regular physical activity during pregnancy, and who continued in the third quarter would be less tired and more energetic clearly from the 4th or 5th day after delivery 2.


A medical assessment is first necessary before physical activity to verify that there are no contraindications. This medical opinion can be re-evaluated according to the follow-up of the pregnancy.

During these 9 months, the body is transformed, so it is necessary to adapt to these changes during a physical exercise. The weight evolution is accompanied by an enhancement of the center of gravity, thus modifying the equilibrium of the body. The heart rate increases and breathing is modified by intra-abdominal pressure, which contributes to the increase in oxygen consumption.

We also note for all the joints, the appearance of a ligament hyperlaxity whose origin seems to be hormonal and which can represent a new instability for the pregnant woman.

The spirit of competition is to be set aside! The goal is to maintain good physical fitness by practicing a reasoned physical activity, without seeking the maximum effort.


During pregnancy:

The choice of physical activity must be compatible with pregnancy, ie avoid loss of balance and trauma.

It is not advisable to practice contact sports such as basketball, handball, or volleyball; Combat sports, such as karate, judo; Sports that involve a risk of falling such as riding, snow sports, mountain biking, climbing, etc. Underwater diving (with bottle) is also contraindicated.

Among the activities recommended during pregnancy include:

  • Walking: it remains by far the most practiced activity, accessible to all including the less sporty ones.
  • Swimming: it makes it possible to work smoothly all the great muscular chains. In the water, the body is lighter and the movements are easier. All swims are allowed provided they do not force. Swimming on the back is particularly interesting because it relieves the spine. Finally, do not hesitate to adopt boards and chips as accessories!
  • Soft gymnastics or yoga: these activities can be practiced with respiratory and postural exercises adapted to pregnancy. The exercises lying down, however, are to be avoided from the 4th month.
  • The exercise bike: it is possible to practice the exercise bike without intense effort, i.e. without significant shortness of breath (i.e. 60-70% of the maximum heart rate).

These activities are possible up to and including the third quarter but should not be considered for performance intent. In addition, you must know how to listen to your body, and do not hesitate to consult your healthcare professional if you are uncertain about your physical condition.

After childbirth:

Most physiological and morphological changes induced by pregnancy persist until 4 to 6 weeks after delivery. Post-natal visit is essential to get your doctor's recommendations. A rehabilitation of the perineum is often necessary to restore all its tonicity to this zone muscular perturbed by the delivery.

You will then be able to take up the sport in a progressive way, favoring moderate activities (yoga, gymnastics, swimming, cycling, walking ...).

Moderate physical exercise during breastfeeding does not affect the amount or composition of breast milk. To avoid unpleasant problems caused by breast engorgement, it is recommended to schedule feedings or breast milk before exercise. Do not forget to hydrate yourself!

1 Les cahiers du pôle - Sport and Maternity, Physical Activity and Maternity, Dr Carole Maitre, Medical Department of INSEP, January 2010.

2 Artal R, O'Toole M. Guidelines of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists for exercise during pregnancy and post-partum period. Br J Sports Med 2003; 37: 6-12.

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